Samstarfs aðili okkar frá Íslandi er Jafnrettishus. Helstu markmið þeirra eru: að stuðla að jafnrétti og vinna að framkvæmd þess, að vekja athygli og hjálpa viðkvæmari hlutum samfélagsins (mismunað eftir kynþætti, trú, kynhneigð osfrv.) Og hlutum samfélags sem búa við „þöglun“(konur, börn, innflytjendur, fatlaðir osfrv.) og að styrkja þá geira samfélagsins sem eru að öðru leyti vanræktir og gera þeim kleift að finna aðstoð, verja sig eða fá jafnrétti.
Áðurnefnd markmið og starfsemi eru útfærð með margvíslegum hætti:
(1.) samþætting fyrir útlendinga (gagnvirkni og nýstárlegt nám í íslensku, skipuleggja menningarviðburði, kynna „Ísland“ hvað varðar menningu, sögu, fólk, efla stöðugleika) ,
(2.) að fylgjast með og greina jafnréttismál í landinu og framkvæmd framkvæmd þess, (3.) veita túlkaþjónustu fyrir ýmsar atvinnugreinar (stjórnvöld, sveitarfélög, einstaklinga, einkafyrirtæki).
Íslenskir samstarfsaðilar hafa langa og farsæla reynslu af því að skipuleggja og halda námskeið fyrir innflytjendur á móðurmáli og erlendum tungumálum og hafa þróað mikið af nýrri tækni til að kenna fólki, frá löndum þar sem karlar og konur geta stundum ef til vill ekki vera í einu og sömu kennslustofunni saman. Þessar aðferðir virðast vera mjög áhrifaríkt tæki til að stuðla að félagslegri aðgreiningu og þeim verður deilt með verkefnaaðilum meðan á hreyfingu stendur á Íslandi. Ennfremur mun íslenskur samstarfsaðili leggja sitt af mörkum til þessa verkefnis með því að setja viðmið, og rýna til gagns sem samstarfsaðferð við aðlögun og framkvæmd í stofnunum samstarfsaðila.
Mobility in Iceland, Reykjavik
As our main aim is to strengthen participants ability to use critiquing as a collaborative learning method with a purpose to produce adult learners’ growth and improvement in media literacy and to maintain participants communication skills in English to those with direct access to adult learners, project partners first mobility were hold in Iceland, as Icelandic partners have 15 years experience with refugees and immigrants as adult learners, mainly from the countries outside Europe. They are experienced in how to break the stereotypes and motivate people to enter the labour market, so Icelandic partners did their best to teach others the qualities a teacher should possess to help students achieve success and gain self-confidence. Icelandic partners during this project meeting contributed by criteria setting for critiquing as a collaborative learning method adapting and implementing in partners’ institutions.
An introduction presentation regarding local realities took place. Participants had the opportunity to get to know the Icelandic educational system by a presentation prepared by the Ministry of Education and Science representatives, so an overview of adult learner portrait across the educational sector was provided. Also, participants attended professional language lessons to see pedagogical strategies for equal rights the hometown of Jafnréttishús has already implemented and what they have in stores for the following years to come.
As it was the first meeting within this partnership, there was space for coordinator speech and evaluation tools explanation – pre-evaluation test, post-evaluation test and critical questions regarding project execution were discussed.
Icelandic partners presented tools in promoting social inclusion – worksheets, checklists, presentations, icebreaker games, team building activities so participants could better understand low skilled adult narratives.
By workshop on framing the tools that can be used together with critique and defining critique as a learning method, participants were trained on how to open learners for new learning approaches and improve their attitudes against ICT tools. During the experimenting activity, participants had to present one ICT tool. Other participants used knowledge gained to critique it from the point of view of educators and adult learners. Participants gained knowledge on developing a targeted messaging, setting up a targeted audience, and interacting with it. In this activity, critique as a collaborative learning method was developed. Thereby, this activity enhanced participants knowledge skills and attitudes in adult education to meet their learning needs.
On the last day of mobility, partners concentrated on mobility evaluation and future activities planning and were instructed by the coordinator about disseminating mobility in Iceland among partner institutions and stakeholders. Also, the cultural activity took place – Icelandic partners organized a Golden Circle excursion.
According to the evaluation sheets submitted by participants, the competencies that improved during this mobility was teamwork, organizational and problem-solving skills. Besides, evolving professionally participants also improved their broader set of skills such as behaviours, attitudes, and personal qualities that enable people to collaborate effectively with others. In addition, it was good English language practice for all participants.