Icelandic courses

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Information about the Icelandic course

  • Our courses are structured in accordance with the Ministry of Education curriculum.

  • The main empasis are good communication, cooking together, city visits and community training.

  • We focus mainly on spoken Icelandic and understanding where we take into account the needs of each individual. Our curriculum provides as well social studies, cultur studies and creates forum for conversation and dialog between diffrent cultures.

  • Our goal is to provide good Icelandic teaching and professional working methods. This is done by having the lesson interesting, fun and diverse.

  • Our teachers speak the same language as students by teaching and emphasizing on pronunciation and promoting Icelandic culture and customs.

  • Our aims is to always have a professional service, by providing well-educated teachers with good education and experience.

  • Our employees have education in the field of teachers studies, international relations, social studies, social working and economics.
Next courses:

Íslenskukennsla og samfélagsfræðsla 2018. 
Jafnréttishús býður upp á 60 tíma íslenskunámskeið sem kostar 40.000.- ISK á nemanda. Hægt er að fá 70 % af heildarupphæð námskeiðsins endurgreitt frá því stéttarfélagi sem viðkomandi er skráður í.
Lágmarksfjöldi nemenda á hvert námskeið er 12 manns og hámarksfjöldi nemenda er 15 manns.

Íslenskukennsla fyrir Tælendinga. Kennt er í 3 tíma á dag, 2 daga í vikunnar.
Námskeið 2018 verða á eftirfarandi tímabilum í Gerðubergi:
12. febrúar. Kl: 19:00-21:30.

Íslenskukennsla fyrir Tælendinga. Kennt er í 4 tíma  á dag, 1 dag í viku á sunnudögum.
Námskeið 2018 verða á eftirfarandi tímabilum í Reykjanesbæ í Virkjunarhúsinu á Ásbrú:
25. febrúar. Kl: 12:00-16:00.

Skráning hér á vefsíðu, á netfangi: og/eða í síma 534-0107