About Us

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Our main goals


are Promote equality and work on its implementation Raise awareness and help the more sensitive parts of society (discriminated by race, faith, sexual orientation, etc)d the “silenced” parts of society (women, children, immigrants, disabled, etc.) Empower the sectors of society who are otherwise neglected and enable them to find help, defend themselves, or negotiate equality. In addition to the main goals, Equality Center carries out many tasks that are often brought to light thanks to visitors of the Equality Center seeking help, whether it be speaking on legal issues or lobbying for immigrants and women. Presently, it is in collaboration with 2 municipalities that are receiving Syrian refugees from Refugee Camps in Lebanon, and later on, it contracted to provide the language, social, local culture, and labor market education and interpretation. Therefore, it is directly involved in present refugee arrivals.

About Us
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Past experience, similar educational services around refugees from Al-Waleed Refugee Camp in Iraq during 2008 – 2011.
The aforementioned goals and activities are implemented in this variety of ways:
Integration activities for foreigners (interactive and innovative learning of Icelandic language, organizing cultural events, presenting ‘Iceland’ in terms of culture, history, people, providing constancy)
Monitoring and analyzing equality issues in the country and acting on its implementation
Speaking up and advocating issues of immigrants, especially women, in media, public events, governmental institutions, etc.
Equality Centre offers Icelandic language courses and activities specifically geared toward immigrants for improved opportunities and results, particularly in the work field.
Providing interpretation services for various industries (governmental organizations, municipalities, individuals, private companies)
Equality Centre raises awareness of many issues within the Icelandic society: immigrants, cultural differences, tolerance, refugees, etc.
Equality Centre is always focused on helping foreign women and their children, as experience and personal connections of the staff allow it to be done successfully.
Equality Centre involves itself in international cooperatives in order to gain knowledge, learn ‘best practice’ examples, and be able to solve local problems more effectively.